DOS Mind

DOS Design’s
AI Studio.

DOS Mind promotes the integration of AI Solutions capable of supporting personal transformation processes.

Placing people at the center of the design, research, and discovery loop means transforming the great power of artificial intelligence into collective thought.

We develop custom augmented intelligence solutions based on the real needs of users, keeping people in the decision-making loop.

Because Artificial Intelligence is a powerful accelerator of change, but it is not the change itself.


DOS Mind. Human Augmented Intelligence.

Custom-made platforms that streamline the organization, governance, and facilitation of innovation programs by automating workflows and connecting insights generated through user research, co-design, and AI-based solution development.

Tailor-made solutions that streamline and automate business processes, making them efficient and adaptable to change. This is achieved through co-design sessions, standard notations, and advanced AI tools.

An Application Platform designed to simplify the creation, interpretation, application, and execution of large and complex knowledge bases. These represent regulatory frameworks, regulations, legislation, business rules, as well as articles, texts, and the findings of scientific research.